Over 15 years of Experience

Oral &
Maxillofacial Surgery

Pediatric & High Risk

With extensive experience and a full operating room, we specialize in high risk and pediatric patients. We are guided by patient outcomes & to serve our community.

Board Certified

Board Certified & Fellowship Trained Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon with a well trained team of Nurses, Surgical Assistants. With a full operating room ready to provider the highest standards of care possible.

All Insurance Accepted

We accept all insurance plans, both dental and medical. Our billing team will do everything possible to ensure your insurance company covers your treatment.


PA Surgery Group's focus is access to care. with experience & expertise to treat the most difficult cases in philly.

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Diplomate, the American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons

Dr. Ali Mohammad is Board Certified in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Fellowship Trained in Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery. Find out why surgeon training is extremely important.

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Expertise matters When picking an Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon

Treating complex cases that other surgeons are unable to treat makes up a significant part of our practice. Dr. Ali Mohammad is trained to handle difficult or challenging cases.

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experience with heavy volume complex cases. Prepared For everything!

Dr. Ali Mohammad has seen a wide range of patients from simple to extremely complex, healthy to very sick. He has the experience in years and numbers of cases as well as scope of practice.

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Oral Surgery

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